Les Fleurs de Bach et l’hiver, par Béatrice Amouriaux, Conseillère agréée

“According to Chinese energetics, Winter is linked to death, to the depths, to cold; it is the Water element which is associated with the deepest meridian: the kidney. It is from the kidneys that the principle of life depends , ancestral memory is stored there; they govern the waters and shelter the will.

Like nature falling asleep, we are supposed to slow down, rest, let ourselves descend into its depths, revisit our mourning, confront our fears, spend time with ourselves,… During the first part of winter we descend , we go down until the winter solstice and then comes the time for germination. The movement is reversed, the days are getting longer. Now that we know what we need we will nourish our deep being by choosing and preparing the seeds, the ideas that we want to see blossom in spring.

The kidney meridian is linked to the emotion of fear and anxiety, it is the ideal period to confront it and Bach Flowers will accompany us on this path.

So I presented the five Bach Flowers from the Fear family.

Pink rock  for the deepest fear, the one that overwhelms us, paralyzes us and completely prevents us from taking action. It will help us get out of this state of panic , face the situation and regain our senses.

Cherry plum  for the fear of losing one’s self-control, of harming others or oneself, of behaving irrationally. It will help us to take a step back and keep calm , to pacify us.

Red Chesnut  for those who worry too much about others, the fear is disproportionate and results in over-protective behavior. It will help us restore balance by developing our confidence and positive thoughts .

Mimulus  for everyday fears, those whose cause is determined and known. It will stimulate our courage and help us overcome these fears. The worry is forgotten.

Aspen  for vague, indeterminate fear, which arises for no particular reason. It will help us accept our sensitivity and draw on our inner strength to return to reality.

I then presented the  Rescue since it contains two Flowers from this family: the two deepest fears  Rock rose and Cherry plum .

I also talked about  Gorse because it is one of the rare flowers that I still come across on my winter walks. In every season despair can arise and at any moment the spark of light can be ignited.

“In the depths of winter, I finally learned that there was an invincible sun within me” Albert Camus

Then finally Walnut , as a flower of change and adaptation , it allows us to move quietly into the next season.

As in the previous workshop, I presented the three acupressure points to help the circulation of Kidney energy (unblock, produce and circulate).

Here you go, some little tools that really help you live better each season.”

Béatrice AMOURIAUX, Bach Flower Advisor Approved by the Bach Center of Great Britain, Chinese manual energetics. 44210 Pornic. Tel:  b.amouriaux@free.fr


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